

41.82323°N -71.41201°E
Olneyville, Providence
P.U.F.F.E.R.S.S. I, II, III, IV, V
Tony Conrad, Eli Keszler,
Drew McDowall, Via App,
Horoscope, Black Pus, Bookworms,
Work/Death, Lightning Bolt,
Noise Nomads, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe,
Xeno & Oaklander, Gobby, +++

41.81471°N -71.42251°E
42 Rice St, Providence

Magic Lantern Cinema offsite
screening of the film, Sleep, by Andy Warhol +
Performance of Erik Satie’s 1893
piano composition, Vexations

41.82252°N -71.41301°E
270 Westminster St, Providence
TinnitustimulusDromez, John Moloney
Skin Graft
Dog Lady Island,
Creode, Sects

Deluezer, Donna Parker, Mem1,
Ren Schofield
+ Luke Moldof performing
Jürg Frey’s Relikt & Wen #46

Steve Reich: Four Organs
Luke Damrosch, Scott Reber,
Sakiko Mori, Brendan Glasson
Secret Boyfriend,
Russian Tsarlag, Dan Talbot, Blanket


41.84461°N -71.40618°E
891 North Main, Providence
Gap Earth
Nicolas Jaar, Will Epstein, Tlac,
Spear Ritual, Tiny Leg, Luke Damrosch,
Universal Cell Unlock

41.87688°N -71.38845°E
461 Main St, Pawtucket
Pulse Shape 22
Mark Cetilia
Matthew Underwood

41.81142°N -71.42777°E
222 Harrison St, Providence
Femme Techno
Via App, Flex1000,
Sofia Reta Corporation,
Unicorn Hard-On, Gyna Bootleg
Samantha Vacation

Pleasure Nite II
Pleasure Editions, Noor, Chicklette

41.82323°N -71.41201°E
204 Westminster, Providence
Pleasure Nite I
Cupid, Phemale
Future Blondes
Worth, Little Debbie, Virusse, Locutions, Gyna Bootleg
Pak, Apricot Restraints, Dorothy Haze, Phemale

Brown Recluse Alpha + Young Male, S.H.V. Pleasurezine
Violent Femmes
, Larry Marshall, Blevin Bectum, Eternal Father


41.82514°N -71.43323°E
1 Sims Ave, Providence

Lazy Magnet, Lyn Goeringer

41.8283°N -71.40154°E
Granoff Center, 154 Angell St, Providence
Mark Lord, Kokomo, Arc

41.84461°N -71.40618°E
891 North Main St, Providence
Work/Death, Geoff Mullen, Mark Cetilia, Beeman Glow, Timeghost

41.8231°N -71.41001°E
60 Orange St, Providence

Sonic Afterimage
Laura Cetilia, Mark Cetilia, Caroline Park

41.81914°N -71.42518°E
186 Carpenter St, Providence
Flan y Ajo

41.81754°N -71.42203°E
876 Westminster, Providence
Pak, Sakiko Mori, Dungeon Broads

41.82711°N -71.4363°E
25 Eagle St, Providence
Eastern Butcher Block Winter Fest
Noise Nomads, Larry Marshall, Work/Death, Smiler, Seige Engine, Mem1, Area C+++