41.81779°N -71.44428°E
39 Manton Ave, Providence


September 24
Drew McDowall + Horoscope, Dave Public VOSP, Thornn, Luke Moldof, Virusse, The Divided Self, Cabo Boing, Soren Roi, Pure Matrix, Swan Meat, Ñaka Ñaka, Isabella, Craow, Aaron Demuth, Wex, Patrick Gallagher, Hands Rendered Useless, Eve Essex, Farewell My Concubine, LXV, Bernard Herman, Die Reihe, Flex1000, Via App, Radiator Greys, World War, Orgonon Pit, Noise Nomads, Housefire

September 25
Rat Bastard/Zac Davis/Nick Klein, Gobby, Paul R, Way Out, The Creatrix, Mysterious House, Joe Mygan, Creeping, Sects, Tinnitustimulus, Blue Shift, Pyramid, Liquid Asset, Bookworms, Macula Dog, Richard Gamble, Rick Weaver, Medi Spa, Anoushe’/AVB/Kimberley, Houseboy, Enrique, Bobby Flan, L Lewis, Drippy Inputs, Beta Librae, RRLEW, Bernard Herman, Valerie Martino, Housefire, Universal Cell Unlock, Black Pus, Work/Death
