41.82323°N -71.41201°E
39 Manton Ave, Providence

June 25
Peter Glantz and the Imaginary Company, Black Pus, Buck Gooter, Lolita Black, Engine Knock, Young Male, Despair, Despair, Despair, Mark Lord, Childe Bride, Kokomo, A2903, Sudden Oak, Last Good Tooth, Swanox, Olneyville Sound System, Meagre Sunlite

June 26
Tony Conrad, Eli Keszler, Daily Life, Rotten Apples, Tomeghost, Amil Bylecki Band, Trip Dicks, Mincemeat or Tenspeed, Omnivore, Ambergris, Castlevania Rap Crew, Lord Giovanni, Novus 2, Downtown Boys, Pak, R.E.M. Koolhaas, Cavegirls, rageofcorey, Apollo Creed

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